Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Weird Game ... (continued)

I've been tagged by Anu so I'm continuing this 'Weird Game' thing. Managed to list 10, but I'm sure there are more, so here goes....

1. First and most surprizing, "I HATE RAIN!"

2. In contradiction to point 1, I like the sound of falling water (don't prefer it to fall on me though).

3. I consider myself to be born again if I survive in the presence of a Wasp (or anything that has a nuclear war-tail).

4. My most favourite part in a chicken is ......the 'Gizzard'.

5. I can never remember the words in a song, how many ever times I listen to it, but the tune sticks the very first time.

6. I'm allergic to the smell of Jasmines.

7. I'm so forgetful to an extent that I consider my cellphone organizer as an extension of my memory cells (Even have my own name, number and address stored in the address-book).

8. I am a strong believer than printers will and must become extinct in a few years (e-paper wud be the best substitute).

9. Art (referring to paintings, especially the modern ones) is something that I have not yet succeeded in decoding. Have given up all hope completely.

10. (My friends consider this weird but I consider it environment-friendly) I use the blank space behind bus-tickets to write my grocery list.

Now that I've finished, there is another weird point. I don't know whom to tag next!

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