Monday, June 26, 2006

Packing Pangs

Just under four days for my trip to Japan and I still haven't packed a pen. My room is in a big mess and I still haven't managed to cajole myself into this uphill, millstone-tied-to-leg-walk kind of stuff called packing. It just doesn't happen with me. I don't know if I'm a lone species on this planet. Maybe there are others, but I need to seriously admit that I'm no good at packing stuff for a trip. Even if I do manage to pack there is always something that I forget.

I remember a typical trip to Mangalore when I was in India. I made sure to pack all the important stuff. I reached the station at the last minute (as usual). Had to hurry to the platform and scuffle for my compartment. Finally the whistle was blown and the train started moving. After passing Arakkonam (thats a station on the way to M'lore from Chennai) I remembered that I had left my camera, perfect with batteries and case, neatly on my table. Luckily I managed with my cousin's camera, but just goes to show that I can never manage to go on a trip without forgetting something.

Anyway, I hope I pack all the important stuff this time. This is evident from the fact that I have started thinking about packing 4 days in advance. I do have a lot of places to visit this time so the first thing that's going in would be my camera. Just to give you a hint I would be travelling through Frankfurt, HongKong, Tokyo, Zhuhai (southeast China), Bangkok, Chennai and finally back to Cologne. All this over 3 weeks, that's gonna be a crunch, I guess. When in Tokyo I hope to visit a place called Akihabara which is a famous place for all kinds of electronics. Will update you on that soon. Right now, gotta get packing :-( !!!


Anonymous said...

Wow its a long trip. Be a good kid and start packing as soon as possible. I wish I could meet you if you visit Mangalore. Have a safe journey!

Flavin said...

Thanks for your wishes Karthika. I'm so happy to know that you live in Mangalore. Will definitely let you know if I come down sometime. Thanks again.