Monday, June 05, 2006

Weird Behavior

I was waiting at a tram-station yesterday to take a tram to my friend's house. As usual, I was sitting down on a bench and enjoying the scenary around. There were lots of people walking around. The stopping is called 'Neumarkt', a popular city-center in Cologne (similar to the downtowns in US). As I was waiting I watched a man (probably in his 50s) walking towards the stop along with a kid (probably age 6 or 7). The kid was eating some bread and suddenly a small slice of it fell to the ground. Immediately, this man stamped that slice so hard that it got crushed badly. After the man was done with his deed, they moved on.

In a few seconds a pigeon came swooping down near this slice and started pecking on it (Pigeons are common here just as crows are in Chennai). In just about a minute other pigeons noticed this and came down to investigate and grab their share. However, I noticed that this pigeon who was handling the bread was not letting others to come anywhere near it. I could say she was a selfish pigeon. Soon there were two more, and another three and some more and finally there were like more than 15 pigeons around. This time the first pigeon was not able to control the place so she just gave up and everybody started having their share. However a startling fact was that nobody was fighting for that slice now. Everybody had their piece and in peace.

A few seconds later, the man and his kid came back to that same place, and I noticed something really weird. This man chases away all the birds and stamps the bread really hard this time, kicks it and then leaves.

I just sat there dumb-struck at the behavior of that man. What could have been running in his mind? What is the meaning of his actions? Was he the follower of "Live and let die"? I didn't get any answers to these questions. I didn't have time to think about this further coz my tram had arrived.

1 comment:

Anu said...

Ouch! Im dumbstruck. I have never met such a person. :( (Im not complaining though)