Friday, June 23, 2006

Fly High

No, its not about airplanes or rockets but the very common and most irritating specimen of all...the fly! Two of them happened to wreck all havoc in office today. Normally you don't see them around in Germany. Infact you hardly see any insects around for most time of the year except summer. That's when those creepy crawly creatures come out of their homes for a bask in the sun and a whiff of fresh air. I guess these two flies happened to visit our office this morning.

It started off as a strange buzz around a corner and suddenly we saw these two dark balls flying around. I could faintly hear them say "attackkkkk". I need to sincerely apologize that even two engineers in a room ain't no match for those two flies. They just kept buzzing around and pissing us off. We tried to retaliate but failed. I'm no match when it comes to swatting flies, I even got a poor rating of less than 30% in an online fly swatting game (guess I don't even have a brain that compares with a fly). In case you wanna try it out as well, click here. Ultimately my colleague managed to destroy one of them, but the other escaped. Maybe he is hiding somewhere to trouble us again on Monday.

My ordeal with the flies made me realize what a wonderful creation it is. So much of computing power locked into such a tiny space. Flight-dynamics, collision avoidance, landing and take-off system, environment scanning, predator response and many more systems hard-wired into their structure. I wish we could learn something from it. Most amusing fact is that such a tiny creature can manage to be a real pain in the neck at times. Goes to say that when it comes to getting noticed, size doesn't matter!


Anonymous said...

What happened flavin for past few weeks I was waiting for your new blog. You have come up with a funny and intelligent thought! Even I have noticed flies buzzing me at work, but never gave a thought about its aviation system. Why dont you start writing an article in daily papers.OOOPS!!!! I forget that you are in germany, do u have any daily papers published in english?

Flavin said...

Thanks Karthika. I'm sorry for not blogging actively over the past week. I was caught up with a lot of things so blogging went down in priority. I will try to be more regular. I agree to the fact that you don't find many English newspapers in Germany. However, if you get to Frankfurt Airport, you will find copies of the Financial Times both in German and English. So far that is the only English newspaper that I have personally seen in Germany.

As far as writing articles for newspapers is concerned, I would be happy if someone finds me a column to write in a newspaper. In anycase, I feel more comfortable writing freestyle than specifically for any newspaper. Thanks for the suggestion.

Anu said...

"Ultimately my colleague managed to destroy one of them"

So you call him 'ee - adichaan?'

(I know, horrible PJ)

Flavin said...

Hmm, not so bad a PJ as the ones I used to crack in college.