Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Flowery Grave

I need to walk from the train station to my office every morning and on the way I have to pass along a cemetery and a farm. I don't feel spooky during my walk along the cemetery because there are residents just adjacent the road, moroever, the look of the cemetery is so pleasing that it hardly gives you a sense of fear. If you click on the pic you can see an enlarged version.

One aspect to note about the graves in Germany is that an entire family has a single grave. Apart from the fact that they save space, it also creates a feeling of togetherness. Together in life and in death. Most of the graves are pretty old. There is one that has a birthyear of 1898 inscribed on it. Although the cemetery seems to house graves that are very old, it is well maintained. I have seen even elderly people visiting the graves and decorating them with beautiful flowers. It is truly a wonderful sight to see as I pass by the place every morning and evening.


Anu said...

Graves always give me a sense of contentment and peace.. go ahead and call me a freak! :)

Flavin said...

No I wouldn't call you a freak. I definitely agree with you atleast considering the graves near my office :~)