Friday, June 16, 2006

Laws of Robotics

It was both frightening and amusing to read this article on robotics sent to me by a friend. It specified the dangers involved with the use of robots in our daily life and also upon the implementation and meaning of the three laws of robotics as prescribed by Asimov. The three laws seem to be so tightly bound to one another. From first sight, it felt like if they were implemented in a robot, it could never do any harm, however the article stresses the point that it is impractical. Moreover it also opens up the issue about a rather perverted use of robots (which I had never heard of previously), strange but true, for sex. Yes, I think they are also going to replace human being to do that as well. It really comes to a point of closing the gap between what is real and what is virtual. I guess the issues that need to be addressed regarding robotics is not just concerning safety, but also regarding the social impact. Having studied robotics during my master's and worked in the automation field, I always imagined that robots are going to help us live an easier and better life. However, the mind of man has zillions of ideas hiding inside its crevices. Some good, many bad!

Just as Asimov proposed laws for robots, I would like to do the same for humans.

1. Humans may not injure other humans, or, through inaction, allow humans to come to harm.
2. Humans must obey orders given to them by their conscience, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. Humans must protect their own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Taking everything a step further, a time would come when we would need a modification of these laws as well:

1. A human may not injure a robot, or, through inaction, allow a robot to........

I guess evolution would take its course!

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