Sunday, June 11, 2006

Follow Back

I was on the phone with my friend from Hameln (The city of the story 'Pied Piper of Hamlin') last evening. Just a friendly chat during the weekend. We happened to discuss events of the week and also happened to touch upon a philosphical note regarding our current status in life. We completed our course from the same university in Germany and both of us are working now in our respective fields. He said, "I think I'm currently enjoying the best period of my life in so many years." To that I said, "Wow great! So what about marriage?" To that, he said that he was not interested in interrupting this life that he was experiencing atleast for another two years. "We have this stereotypical mentality that a guy/girl must finish studies, get job and immediately get married, get kids and start family. However, if you notice the western world, people take their own time and in turn tend to be more mature parents. Of course not many relationships work out, but the ones that do, appear to be good," he said.

We tend to follow people around us. Very few think about living a life of their own. Its more like living for others. See what that guy has done, see what this girl has done seems to be the talk everywhere. We hardly sit down and think what We desire to be as. Rightly described in an online TV that I was seeing on winamp shoutcast, we tend to be like sheeple i.e. sheep people. Just like sheep that follow each other, we have the tendency to follow others. My friend said that my article on the tram incident reminded him of his childhood dream of becoming an artist. It seems he used to be very much interested in drawing and painting and always pestered his mom to get him color pencils and paints. However he was forced into engineering. Life has been good for him so far, but he said, "Maybe I would've been happier if I became an artist."


Anonymous said...

may be that guy was interested in some other girl & was waiting for her acceptance .. i feel ... sooo ....


Flavin said...

Hmm...that sounds interesting. Never thought about that. Anyway, I don't think my friend had such an idea. If he did then we can generalize the discussion involving genuine people.

Anu said...

Well, I don't know if this is guy/girl issue. Any decision in life can be of YOUR choice only if you are secure: financially and emotionally. Else you always have to depend on someone else, be it your parents, spouse, friends..
Flavin, for example your friend is able to comprehend NOW about postponing marriage. But he couldn't do much after finishing school about the choice of subject in college... We could talk all about 'living your life' and all, but, we are, after all, social animals.

Flavin said...

That was a nice comment which literally brings out the naked truth. All one needs is 'Money', and we all know, money is power. We wouldn't dare to take any decisions in life without money. We come to a point in life when we become financially independent and that is when we become confident of taking bold decisions of our own. To make it appear soft, we can term it as part of 'growing-up'.