Friday, September 08, 2006

Is it Friday today???

Just one of those usual mornings today. Got up at 7 and went around with the morning chores. All the while I was thinking, "Gosh its Thursday, I can't wait for Friday". Had this gloomy look on my face.

Before I could leave I happened to check out the weather on my desktop (I do that all the time before I step out) and to my disbelief realized that "Today is Friday!!!" I was like Yippeeeeeeee. I wanted to confirm again so I checked the date on my watch, on my computer, my cellphone and the international time and date website. I was assured that today is indeed Friday. Phew what a great relief. I really got to experience the bliss of the term, "Thank God its Friday". Weekend is just round the corner.


Twisted DNA said...

It would've been more fun if you showed up at work on Saturday :D

Flavin said...

I was almost close to doing that on Saturday 8)

Anu said...

I never miss a Friday. Ever. Thats because I spend the entire week looking forward to it!

Unknown said...

friday is always fine, i still hate mondays