Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Weekend Update (13.Aug)

The weekend didn't go as planned (was supposed to go for a cruise). Bad weather played spoil-sport. It was raining a little in the morning and the temperature was around 16 deg C. Not a good day for a cruise. But I must say that I did enjoy the weekend. I went to a friend's place for lunch. He is married and has two sweet little kids. They really like me a lot and are always pretty excited when they get to know that I'm coming over.

The sun was playing hide and seek the whole Sunday. Anyway, it didn't really rain much. We managed to go cycling around huge fields (you can see that in the picture). Got to see a huge pit that was dug up for coal and later abandoned. The kids really enjoyed the fun time at home. Got to play all sorts of games. Also did bits of singing and dancing. It was total fun.

And yes, we are planning to go for that cruise sometime next month. Hope we do it before winter. Keeping all fingers crossed.


Anu said...

Wonderful pics. Looks like u had a great time!! :)

Flavin said...

Oh yes I did have a great time. I hope the rains don't spoil my actual weekend plans this time. In anycase I think it would be better if I planned some backup, incase the Rain-Gods do wanna visit Cologne again.

Anu said...

Check the weather on the Internet for the weekend. Its not like SunTV's weather report.:)

Flavin said...

That is a really good idea, but I don't think they are any different from the SUN Tv predictions. Guess we still are far away from the really powerful computers that can provide a better forecast based on more accurate models of the factors that cause climatic variations on our planet. Anyway, my desktop weather station says that Saturday wud be a fine day, but Sunday wudn't :-( Oh God, plz prove the computers wrong!!!

AK said...

Dude you look like you are just ready to become a DAD (of two kids) ........ haaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha

Flavin said...

I have great respect for my elders, so not before you buddy ;-)

Anonymous said...

It looks like you love kids a lot. Nice pics! What is your plan for this weekend?

Anu said...

Yes Anna.. when is the kalyanam? :P
Gimme your #. Wil call you sometime..