Thursday, August 10, 2006


I had to go to a computer store last evening to collect the 1GB RAM module that I had ordered the previous week for my laptop. The store was pretty empty but there were two guys at the counter talking to the assistant. I had to wait for my turn so I just stood behind them. I shifted my ears to 'overhear' mode (as I do most of the time) and realized that the guys were providing information to the assistant to fill out a purchase order. Apart from the normal items like name, address, etc.. I happened to hear an amusing question.

(In German)..........

Assistant : "Familienstand?"
Guy1 : "Ledig."
Assistant : "Kinder?"
Guy1 : "Nein."
Guy2 : "???!!!!???!!! Haahaahahaaaha"
Guy1 : "Hahahahahaha"

(In English)...........

Assistant : "Marital Status?"
Guy1 : "Single."
Assistant : "Children?"
Guy1 : "None."
Guy2 : "???!!!!???!!! Haahaahahaaaha"
Guy1 : "Hahahahahaha"

That was very entertaining. I laughed all the way home thinking about it. Anyway, I've got to return to that shop today because the RAM that I got doesn't fit in my memory slot. This is inspite the fact that the assistant suggested it to me after taking a look at my laptop!!! Guess Moore's law applies in Germany as well.


Anu said...

I dont get the joke. Ha ha ha ha ha... why?

Anu said...

I meant the two guys laughing. :)

Anonymous said...

Flavin this will not sound funny for the person in America. Its very common here to be single and have kids. Sometimes people get married having their kid(kids) in their hand. My Co-Worker is single but he has one kid. So its veryyyyyyyyyyy normal here.
BTW ur pic is very cutttttteeee!!!!!!

Flavin said...

Hmm, that sounds a bit weird, atleast to me in Germany. Over here, people don't wish to have kids even 'after' marriage, so you can forget about kids before it. Infact, the population in Germany seems to be dwindling every year and the Government is pretty worried about it.

Based on your comment (and Anu's comment) I feel that people in US may not really understand the comical situation in this article. Anyway, I hope the guys in Germany would enjoy it.

Thanks anyway, I've learnt two things from your comment. Firstly the issue about people in US having kids before marriage and second that.....'You' live and work in US. Really hope to meet you someday.