Monday, January 22, 2007

Watch out!!!

You're sure to hear the title screamed into your ears by the passengers in your car when you're trying to multi-task while driving. I came across this article in yahoo which really shows how careless people have become not just about their own lives but also that of others.

I would like to quote a few lines of this article that really shows that it's not exactly the attitude of the driver but the pressures of modern-day living.

....."Clearly Americans have much to do and little time to do it, so to cope with that we've become multi-taskers,".....

...."Imagine if you're going 55 miles an hour down the road and you spill something on your suit and you have a meeting that day -- you're going to be more worried about grabbing a napkin than watching the road," said Guile. "But it just takes a split second to look away and there's an accident.".....

....."I have put on lipstick in the car," Braboy, 55, said with a laugh. "And I might try to look for something in my purse, which I know is dangerous.".....

I just hope this situation improves and people start driving with a sense of responsibility. However, the root cause of this problem is the fast paced lifestyle, which needs to be addressed, if we need a permanent solution.

However, a much better solution of the future would be to completely take the human being out of the driver's seat and transfer control to a computer. A more apt way to say that would be, "Never send a human to do a machine's job!!!"

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