Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Wish that word came true. Unfortunately, not everyone is comfortable about going Paperless. I am a staunch believer in conservation and practice it to the utmost extent possible. When I was at home in Chennai, I remember using the local bus-tickets for writing the grocery list when going to the market. The rear side of the ticket will be blank and this space can be used to scribble something. I believe that if I cannot eliminate the cutting of trees, I can atleast work towards reducing it.

I happened to be browsing around for some tool to place notes on my desktop. Suddenly, I felt like a fairy waved her magic wand and .....poof... I found this. Wow, such a simple and easy tool. Best of all, I can reduce the use of the paper based Post-its. My desktop looks neat as well without all those colorful notes hanging out like ears. Moreover, all the notes are so legible (good way to hide my bad handwriting). I can also include pictures and setup reminders for any to-do tasks. And all of this, right from the desktop. What could be simpler? The free version doesn't offer much of communication features, but I'm pretty happy without it.

I wish everyone could switch to digital media for storage so that we don't need paper anymore. That would ensure the existence of our forests and in turn - us.


Anu said...

Ha ha ha.. I soooo remember those bus tickets.. you were a weirdo weren't you? :)

Flavin said...

Try to conserve nature, and you get called a weirdo. Thanks for the compliments! :-P

AK said...

Always true; the one who try out new paths were, are, and will be called 'weirdo' !!!

Flavin said...

Thanks arun. I'm really really happy to know that I'm not (according to your words) a singularity.

Anu said...

Weirdos both of them :)

Anu said...

Ok Ok.. I've downloaded that Post-it thingy, and it is useful. I hope I have saved as much as a branch.. :)

Flavin said...

I would be the happiest man ever on earth if you even save something as little as a leaf! :-)