Friday, May 26, 2006

Practical Poetry!

Just happened to get into a romantic mood, and these lines flowed out of my mind like a stream emerging from a glacier (Oh my God, guess I'm possessed by a poet's spirit today). Anyway, this is to my love, so here goes:

If God had given me three wishes,
I would make use of only two.
First to get me a job in the same company as yours;
And second, to give the third wish to you!

-- Flavin


Anonymous said...

Flavin good thought! But why you want to get caught in the same company with your love. Stay at different place and enjoy man! Hope your love dont read my comment.

Flavin said...

Hey Karthika, there is nothing better in this world for me than to work in the same company as my wife. Always want to be ever so close to her!!!

Anu said...

(sniff sniff) I cant take this.. :)

AK said...


I too cant take it .... :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Flavin,
This is not what you told me. ..
then with whom do you want to be...
Do let me know..

Ever youuuurs..

Flavin said...

Hey guys, I think you need to read the disclaimer. I'm quoting a part of it here:

Personal relationships and privacy

Do not assume that you know everything there is to know about a writer simply because you read their weblog on a regular basis. Any judgements you make will be based on the information they have provided you about themselves, which is probably vague, incomplete or embellished. Whatever opinion you form on them as people, or their life as a whole, is probably best kept to yourself. Remember, you are the reader. An obvious exception to this would be if someone were asking for advice or opinions.

Never contact the writer for more details on events or personal information than what they have already provided on the site. Chances are if the information you seek isn't readily available, they have found it too personal or innapropriate to share. If you are close to the person they will eventually tell you privately, so intrusive questions are not necessary, just leave it alone. If you are meant to know, you will.

If you have a real life relationship with the writer, remember that communication is very important. View weblogs as online journals, no less sacred than a diary hidden between the mattresses. First of all let them know that you read their site, especially if they did not tell you personally.

If they do not want you reading it, or suddenly stop posting entries, ask them why and if necessary, stop going to the site. It is important that as a friend, relative, co-worker or whatever you may be to the writer, that your presence at their weblog not impede their ability to express themselves. Remember this is their outlet. They may not want you to read certain things they might write about you or others you care about, in order to spare your feelings, avoid drama or maintain their privacy. You should respect this and immediately stop going to the site, and never relay any information you gather at their site to others who might use it against them.

If someone writes about you and you don't appreciate it, approach them about it. Try to remain calm and polite. Explain that you are entitled to your privacy as well. There are many compromises that can be reached from using vague nicknames to protect your anonymity, or not mentioning you at all. If you are upset because they are writing negative things about you, be reasonable, try to see if there is a way to resolve the issues and mend your relationship with the writer. If that doesn't seem to be possible, stop going to the website. They will eventually get bored and move on.

Ex-friends, lovers and estranged family members who have been cut out of the writer's life should refrain from reading their journal. If the relationship has ended, there is no reason you should get daily updates on the person's life. If you simply can't help yourself, do it quietly, and never repeat what you read or use it to hurt the writer.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dude,

What happens if you are done with your wishes and your wife now wishes that you should work in a different company??

Keep wishing,
Karthik A.

Flavin said...

Well, I know my wife would love me a lot, so she would make an intelligent wish.