Monday, May 22, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away

Another dull Monday morning today, and what better to make it even more dull than my worst enemy..'Rain'. Supposed to be summer now, but these rain-clouds keep blowing around and pissing (excuse my language) on my head. Sometimes I wonder why would this city ever need rain when every inch is covered with tarred roads or concrete.

Wish mother nature had some better plans of keeping rain away from people like me. May be there should be a special kind of equipment in every city which could attract these clouds over them and squeeze the rain out and fill it in tanks. How nice that could have been. The rest of the city could enjoy the wonderful sunshine and at the same time also have its water supply.

Walking around in the rain with a raincoat or umbrella, the splish-splash of the watter puddles, the chocolate sludge, the spray from vehicles zooming by, oh gosh, its a horrible time. You must've known by now that the rain is an unwelcome friend in my life.


Anu said...

:( Oh I love rain... I can't get enough of it.. Unfortunately, Chennai is not a very 'rainy' place.. we dont have any regular monsoon season, and the rains are dependant on the cyclones and low pressures in the Bay. But whatever little rain we get (when there was raining cat and dogs last year in Chennai I was not here) I just cherish it!
I suppose I can never see eye to eye with you when you say U dont like rain!

Flavin said...

Guess we do have something to disagree about now. But you've got to accept the fact that the world is made up of different people.

Rain/Snow/Ice for me looks good only on a picture or a movie. Getting my feet wet? No Chance!

Anonymous said...

Flavin you are correct. I am like you, I hate rain. Specially when i was in india,On Wednesday's I have white and white uniform. I go to school by bicycle. When any vehicle passby my white dress is gone.
I hate rain just for this!
Have you noticed something -- we both are in same frequency.