Friday, May 19, 2006

Death of the Internet?

Feeling shivers down your spine? No, this ain't a page from a nightmare, but a fact of the future. The big shots are planning to control the internet. The same thing that happened to the cable TV system sometime ago is gonna happen to the internet, i.e. Conditional Access. What you access is going to be controlled based on the whims and fancies of the people who offer the connection to you.

After reading about it I felt like someone just shoved a gas-mask over me with a valve-controlled tube supplying air from outside. I've become so dependent (I know many have) on the internet that it's almost second to oxygen in terms of importance. I definitely wouldn't want anyone controlling the air that I breathe, so why should anyone do it for the internet? Moreover, the internet is not owned by anyone, so why this change all of a sudden? Has someone discovered a business case out of all this?

Anyway, I feel anything that affects the internet today is almost on par with a global catastrophe. Not convinced? Then check this to know more.

1 comment:

Anu said...

Ouch.. Personally I dont think this will come through, but indeed, it is a scary thought. Im so addicted to the Internet, that the thought, that someone else is gonna control it, is terrifying.
Very informative Flavin. SaveTheInternet indeed!