Monday, July 30, 2007

One dream comes true

It was exciting to read that the Tamilnadu Government has finally thought about erecting desalination plants along our coast to put a 'partial' end to the misery of water scarcity. This was actually one of my dreams to end our total dependence on the monsoon for our water supply. It's not rocket science to conclude that a country like India which is surrounded by water on 3 sides should use the sea as its water source. Now, it's just my hope and prayer that this project should not just remain on paper but must be immediately put into action. Imagine getting a liter of water for 4 paise (0.07 cent)? Sounds like magic? Then read this.


Anonymous said...

costs of putting a desalination plant works against using the seawater.

Either way thermal or reverseosmosis needs power or gas, which India lacks, so wat's solution first discover oil and gas along the tamilnadu coast and generate cheap power and then generate sweet water from salt water.
Or break the material science barrier to find cheap and efficient porous membrane

Flavin said...

I think reverse osmosis is a pretty old technique. Although it consumes lesser power, the process is very slow. The technique which is suggested by the Government is called Flash Evaporation which seems to be pretty fast. Moroever, I don't think we need to burn fuel explicitly for this process. There is so much of heat energy that gets wasted in our power plants and this waste heat can be used for the flash evaporation process.

On an economic sense I feel it would be impossible to provide water at 4 paise/liter if you're going to burn up costly fuel for the whole process of desalination.