Friday, June 08, 2007

Swiss Trip 26 to 28 May 2007

Check out a video made from bits of pics and videos takes during my recent trip to Swiss.


Anonymous said...

So boring same mountains and snow everywhere, switzerland is most boring place on earth. One can as well have copied and edited from a bollywood movie and put it as my swiss trip with bolloywood flop stars.

Instead visit and play with llama
shit you wasted your time and money on a most boring affair.

Thanks anyway making me yawn and bore iam setting off to a african safari in kalahari desert.

Flavin said...

"Just because you are blind, and unable to see beauty doesn't mean it does not exist."
--- Margaret Cho

Anonymous said...

who is Margaret Cho?
Cho-Ramaswamy's relative

Flavin said...

It is more important to understand the truth of the quote. If the name 'Margaret Cho' were to be replaced with 'Anonymous', it would never affect the truth that lies in the statement.

Anyway, you can find more info on that author here.

Anonymous said...

man you are one decent piece of shit, you are a smooth a operator.

Flavin said...

No other statement would make me happier from a person like you. You made my day. Thanks buddy :-)

Remember the words of our very own Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
"Where there is love there is life."

Let's not waste our precious life sowing seeds of hatred. Let mine be the last blog where you write degrading comments hiding under the mask of anonymity.

I'm no saint or sage, you don't need to listen to me or anyone else. But please, for humanity's sake - Listen to your conscience. Ask yourself "What do I achieve with all this?"

I hope you start appreciating people for what they do, atleast from this minute onwards. If you don't it means I have failed. I can only hope and pray that someone else will.

Enjoy Life.

Anonymous said...

are you going to remake lage raho munnabhai in tulu!
now dont give a long answer and preach sermons on that.

By the way your icon Margaret Cho sucks, after reading a nice saying from her, I check her out youtube and turned to be a one crapy shit , horrible,she trying to copy russell peters or vice versa.

Anyways you have good time dude, by the way your blog sucks and you too please overhaul everything top to bottom.

Flavin said...

I don't know if an overhaul of my site would do justice to the many people who like my blog. Moreover there is no reason for me to listen to a (using your own language) piece of shit person like yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hey flavin you dont even need to reply to this kind of guys. Even if you try to teach some good things to these idiots they cannot understand.
Just ignore this anonymous idiot.
Keep writing your articles. They are very interesting!


Flavin said...

Thanks Karthik. Well, I wouldn't really call these people idiots. They are not born idiots. Its just that the environment changes them that way. I think this anon person has some serious problems in his/her life and is venting it out through my blog. It is obvious that only persons with cheap mentality would indulge in such acts of cowardice.

FifthBeatle said...

hey.. Well handled, Flavin! I think the first few replies were just about the best possible way one can deal with a flames...but you'll soon realize they don't want to listen to sense or reason.. then all you can do is ignore..

Comment moderation is a good idea.. :)

btw, i'm a fellow mangy.. (well, a man-go actually!)

Flavin said...

Hey Arnold, thanks for dropping by. Yes I totally agree with you. I actually could have gone further, but then I guess there is no point wasting our time on such people. Actually I'm not very much into comment moderation, coz I believe in freedom. However, at times it just becomes too much to handle. Good to know you're a Mangy (Mango hahaha, never thought of that). Enjoy life! :~)

Anonymous said...

hi flavin, I think the anonymous is jealous of you, Iam sure the anonymous has not seen the swiss, so the person is simply writing like this.if somebody doesnt like u, why shud they vist your blog, ignore such stupid people.

Flavin said...

Well said Ravi. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done against such people. So the only thing that can be done is ignore them. I don't mean to say that I turn a deaf ear to criticism, but at the least I expect it to be constructive and not just blatant statements.