Monday, July 24, 2006

Back to Work

It has been a busy month for me. Spent the first two weeks in Japan. I had a nice time in Chennai for a week. Was very happy to meet dad, mom and brother. Also met a lot of relatives and friends. However, there was not enough time to do everything, so had to be happy with just a week of meeting and shopping.

It has been 3 years since I've been away from Chennai so I really found it to be very different this time. However, I must say that not much has changed in the city. Found the roads to be good without many potholes and open pits. Traffic has increased and so has the dust level. For the one week that I stayed I got all the possible attacks like cold, cough, fever, throat infection, and breathing difficulty. It has been 3 years since I ever visited a doc, but I had to do that in just under a week's stay at Chennai. Goes to show how unhealthy the climate is in the city.

Anyway, I got back yesterday and got to work today. Life has got back to the usual grind. Time flew so fast that I didn't realize that my trip was over. Anyway, I really enjoyed every bit of it. I will be getting back to Chennai sometime in December. Really looking forward to it. Moreover, since it will be a long vacation, I hope to do the things that I didn't find time to do this time. Guess its going to be a lovely Christmas this year!


Anonymous said...

Hey Flavin I am glad that you are back! Most of them visiting india from foreign countries have the same problem of getting sick atleast for a week. Picture of this article looks yummy!

Flavin said...

Yes Karthika, you are right. But I wonder why it doesn't work the other way round. Why don't we fall sick if we leave India and go to a foreign country. I'm telling this coz many people say its due to the change in air and water, nobody has ever stated that its due to the 'pollution' or 'dust'.

Regarding the picture, I can make out that idly is your favourite dish. My favourite dish is dosai, but I don't think its as famous as the idly. Anyway, I'm happy I put a pic of 'your' favourite dish :-).

Anu said...

Welcome back Flavin... and adangunga paa.. thaanga mudiyale :)